Meet Dr. Omar Abusteit

July 24, 2024

Welcome back to our regular feature, "Meet Our Doctors". In this installment, we’re introducing you to Dr. Omar Abusteit, an Endodontist at our Burnsville location. In his profile, Dr. Abusteit shares why he chose the Endodontics specialty, what he finds most rewarding, and fun facts about his personal life. Enjoy learning more about Dr. Abusteit!


What made you choose dentistry? 

After a challenging experience as a kid, I wanted to find ways to make it better for my patients 

What made you choose your specialty? 

I had outstanding endodontic mentors in dental school that had a huge impact on my passion for the endodontic specialty 

What do you love most about your specialty or what do you find the most rewarding? 

Being able to relief pain and improve my patients’ quality of life on a daily basis. 

What’s your care/treatment philosophy? 

My treatment philosophy is based on saving natural teeth and smiles based on favorable patient centered outcomes. 

When did you start or how many years have you been with The Dental Specialists? 

In 2020.  

What is one thing you love most about The Dental Specialists? 

Working with great people sharing the same mindset where the patient is always the priority. 

What do you enjoy most about being part of a group practice? 

The camaraderie working with other specialists and benefiting from a wide array of interdisciplinary expertise. 


And now for a little fun, let's get to know Dr. Abusteit on a more personal level!


What did you want to be when you were a kid? 

Work in the diplomatic field. I was fascinated by having a flag waving on my car’s hood. 

What was your very first job? 

Dental Assistant.

What do you like to do on your days off? 

Spend time off with my family on the beach. 

What’s your favorite food or drink? 

Fruit smoothies. 

Who is your hero or who inspires you? 

My father, Prof. Dr. Ezzaldin Abusteit. 

What is an interesting fact that people may not know about you? 

I was born and raised in Cairo, Egypt. 

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? 

The Maldives.

What’s your favorite movie? 

The Godfather.

What are your hobbies? 

Swimming and playing soccer.

Do you speak any other languages? 


What’s your favorite season? 


How many different states have you lived in? 

Three. California, South Carolina, and Minnesota.


Dr. Abusteit practices at our Burnsville location. To learn more about Dr. Abusteit and to request an appointment, click here.