Meet Dr. Levi Kinsey

October 1, 2024

Welcome back to our regular feature, "Meet Our Doctors". In this installment, we’re introducing you to Dr. Levi Kinsey, an Endodontist at our Blaine-South practice. In his profile, Dr. Kinsey shares why he chose the Endodontics specialty, what he finds most rewarding, and fun facts about his personal life. Enjoy learning more about Dr. Kinsey!

What made you choose dentistry?
I always knew I wanted to work in healthcare, and dentistry provided a career in which I could have a good work and life balance.

What made you choose your specialty?
I enjoy the diagnostic nature of endodontics. Plus I had a dynamic undergraduate endodontic instructor during dental school that instilled a passion for endodontics into many of her

What do you love most about your specialty or what do you find the most rewarding?
Providing a calm and comfortable experience in a situation that is often filled with nervousness and

What’s your care/treatment philosophy?
Treat others the way I would like to be treated.

When did you start or how many years have you been with The Dental Specialists?
July, 2023.

What is one thing you love most about The Dental Specialists?
How welcoming and kind my assistants and patient care coordinator were to me when I started.

What do you enjoy most about being part of a group practice?
Collaboration amongst colleagues.


And now for a little fun, let's get to know Dr. Kinsey on a more personal level!


What was your very first job?
Corn detasseling. When I was 12-14 years old we would be hired for a 2-3 week period in July to remove the tassels of certain types of corn to produce hybrid seed corn. If memory serves me right, child labor laws must not have applied because those were long days.

What’s your favorite food or drink?
Coffee. Truth be told I am a bit of a coffee snob. I have been roasting coffee for about 4 years.

What is an interesting fact that people may not know about you?
I refuse to buy golf balls. I only play balls I have found in the woods.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I recently took a trip with my family to Glacier National Park and was awestruck by the beauty. We were only able to scratch the surface of all that place has to see. I am dying to get back.

What are your hobbies?
Mountain and road biking, fishing, small game hunting, snowboarding, broomball, water sports, golfing.

What’s your favorite holiday?
Easter. Celebration of our risen Lord.

What’s your favorite thing about living in Minnesota/Wisconsin?
I love that we get to experience 4 very distinct seasons. Fall might be my favorite but there are things
about every season that I have a passion for. I build an ice rink in my backyard and snowboard in the
winter, fish for smallmouth bass in the spring, mountain bike and canoe camp in the summer and hunt for pheasants and quail in the fall.

Dr. Kinsey practices at our Blaine-South location. If you would like to learn more about Dr. Kinsey and request an appointment, click here.