
  • Doctor of Dental Surgery (1991), University of Iowa College of Dentistry, Iowa City, Iowa
  • Certificate in Endodontics (1995), University of Iowa College of Dentistry, Iowa City, Iowa

Advanced Training:

  • Ph.D., “Mechanisms and Modulation of Orofacial Pain,” Department of Pharmacology, University of Iowa

Special Professional Interests

  • Past President of the Minnesota Association of Endodontists
  • Past President of the American Association of Endodontists
  • Past President of the American Board of Endodontics
  • Director of the College of Diplomates, American Board of Endodontics
  • Published dozens of book chapters and articles on dental-related pain and anxiety, and tissue regeneration in scientific and clinical journals
  • Presented research at numerous national and international clinical and scientific meetings
  • Invited speaker at universities and dental organizations

Professional Activities

  • College of Diplomates, American Board of Endodontics
  • American Dental Association
  • Minnesota Dental Association
  • American Association of Endodontics
  • Omicron Kappa Upsilon Dental Honor Society
  • Research Professor, Department of Endodontics, University of Minnesota


Durham J, Ohrbach R, Baad-Hansen L, Davies S, De Laat A, Godoi Goncalves D, Gordan VV, Goulet J-P, Häggman Henrikson P, Horton M, INfORM, Koutris M, Law A, List T,  Lobbezoo F, Michelotti A, Nixdorf DJ, Fernando Oyarzo J, Peck C, Penlington C, Raphael G, Santiago V, Sharma S, Svensson P, Visscher CM, Yoshiki I, Alstergren P. Constructing the brief Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (bDC/TMD) J Oral Rehabil 2023 Dec 27. doi: 10.1111/joor.13652. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38151896.

Carrasco-Labra A, Polk DE, Urquhart O, Aghaloo T, Claytor JW, Dhar V, Dionne RA, Espinoza L, Gordon SM, Hersh EV, Law AS, Li B S-K, Schwartz PJ, Suda KJ, Turturro, MA, Wright ML, Dawson T, Miroshnychenko A, Pahlke S, … Moore PA. (2023). Evidence-based clinical practice guideline for the pharmacologic management of acute dental pain in children.  J Am Dent Assoc (1939), 154(9), 814-825.

Groenke, B. R., Idiyatullin, D., Gaalaas, L., Petersen, A., Law, A., Barsness, B., Royal, M., Fok, A., & Nixdorf, D. R. (2023). Sensitivity and Specificity of MRI versus CBCT to Detect Vertical Root Fractures Using MicroCT as a Reference Standard. J Endo, 49(6), 703–709.

Groenke, B. R., Idiyatullin, D., Gaalaas, L., Petersen, A., Chew, H. P., Law, A., Barsness, B., Royal, M., Ordinola-Zapata, R., Fok, A., Aregawi, W., & Nixdorf, D. R. (2022). Minimal Detectable Width of Tooth Fractures Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Method to Measure. J Endo 48(11), 1414-1420.

Weitz D, Ordinola-Zapata R, McClanahan SB, Shyne M, Law AS, Nixdorf DR; National Dental Practice-Based Research Network Collaborative Group. Preoperative Factors Associated with Anesthesia Failure for Patients Undergoing Nonsurgical Root Canal Therapy: A National Dental Practice-Based Research Network Study. J Endod. 2021 Dec;47(12):1875-1882.

Lam EWN, Law AS, Nguyen RHN, Basile S, Austah O, Gilbert GH, Lindauer PA, Romano MJ, Nixdorf DR, Fellows JL; National Dental Practice-Based Research Network Collaborative Group. Interexaminer Agreement in the Radiologic Identification of Apical Periodontitis/Rarefying Osteitis in the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network PREDICT Endodontic Study. J Endod. 2021;47(10):1575-1582.

Nosrat A, Dianat O, Verma P, Nixdorf DR, Law AS. Post-operative Pain: An Analysis on Evolution of Research in Half-Century, J Endod 2021;47(3):358-365.

Pigg M, Nixdorf DR, Law AS, Renton T, Sharav Y, Baad-Hansen L, List T.  New International Classification of Orofacial Pain: What Is in It For Endodontists? J Endod  2021;47(3):345-357.

Daline IH, Nixdorf DR, Law AS, Pileggi R, National Dental Practice-Based Research Network Collaborative Group. 3-year Outcome of Patients with Persistent Pain after Root Canal Treatment: The National Dental Practice-Based Research Network. J Endod. 2020;46(5):619- 26.

Schuurmans TJ, Nixdorf DR, Idiyatullin DS, Law AS, Barsness BD, Roach SH, Gaalaas L. Accuracy and Reliability of Root Crack and Fracture Detection in Teeth Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging.  Journal of Endodontics. 2019;45(6):750–5.

Hryvenko I, Cervantes, AR, Law AS, Moana-Filho EJ, Nixdorf DR.  Hemicrania Continua: Case Series and Literature Review.  Cephalgia 2018;38(13)1950-9.

Herrero Babiloni A, Nixdorf DR, Law AS, Moana-Filho EJ, Shueb SS, Nguyen RH, Durham J. Initial accuracy assessment of the modified S-LANSS for the detection of neuropathic orofacial pain conditions. Quintessence Int. 2017;48(5):419-429.

Fonseca Alonso B, Nixdorf DR, Shueb SS, John MT, Law AS, Durham J. Examining the Sensitivity and Specificity of 2 Screening Instruments: Odontogenic or Temporomandibular Disorder Pain? J Endod. 2017.

Pigg M, Nixdorf DR, Nguyen RH, Law AS; National Dental Practice-Based Research Network Collaborative Group. Validity of Preoperative Clinical Findings to Identify Dental Pulp Status: A National Dental Practice-Based Research Network Study.  J Endod. 2016 Jun;42(6):935-42.

Nixdorf DR, Law AS, John MT, Sobieh RM, Kohli R, Nguyen RH; National Dental PBRN Collaborative Group. Differential diagnoses for persistent pain after root canal treatment: a study in the National Dental Practice-based Research Network. J Endod. 2015 Apr;41(4):457-63.

Nixdorf DR, Law AS, Lindquist K, Reams GJ, Cole E, Kanter K, Nguyen RH, Harris DR; National Dental PBRN Collaborative Group. Frequency, impact, and predictors of persistent pain after root canal treatment: a national dental PBRN study. Pain. 2016 Jan;157(1):159-65

Law AS, Nixdorf DR, Rabinowitz I, Reams GJ, Smith JA Jr, Torres AV, Harris DR; National Dental PBRN Collaborative Group. Root canal therapy reduces multiple dimensions of pain: A National Dental Practice-based Research Network study. J Endod. 2014 Nov;40(11):1738-45.

Law AS, Nixdorf DR, Aguirre AM, Reams GJ, Tortomasi AJ, Manne BD, Harris DR; National Dental PBRN Collaborative Group. Predicting severe pain after root Canal therapy in the National Dental PBRN. J Dent Res. 2015 Mar;94(3 Suppl):37S-43S.

Law A. Considerations for regeneration procedures. J Endod 2013;39:S44–S56.

Law AS. Considerations for regeneration procedures. Pediatr Dent. 2013 Mar-Apr;35(2):141-52.

Johnson WT, Law AS, McTigue DJ, Moos HL, Vann WF Jr; E/AAPD Organizing Committee. AAE and AAPD symposium overview: Contemporary management of traumatic injuries to the permanent dentition. J Endod. 2013 Mar;39(3 Suppl):S1.

Nixdorf DR, Law AS, Look JO, Rindal DB, Durand EU, Kang W, Agee BS, Fellows JL, Gordan VV, Gilbert GH; National Dental PBRN Collaborative Group. Large-scale clinical endodontic research in the national dental practice-based research network: study overview and methods. J Endod 2012;38(11):1470-8.

Law AS. Outcomes of regenerative endodontic procedures.  Dent Clin North Am. 2012;56(3):627-37.

Mattscheck DJ, Law AS, Nixdorf D, The Nonodontogenic Toothache, in Pathways of the Pulp, Cohen S, Hargreaves KM eds, St. Louis, 2010, Elsevier.

Hargreaves KM, Law AS, Regenerative Endodontics, in Pathways of the Pulp Cohen S, Hargreaves KM eds, St. Louis, 2010, Elsevier.

Nixdorf DR, Moana-Filho EJ, Law AS, McGuire LA, Hodges JS, John MT. Frequency of nonodontogenic pain after endodontic therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis.  J Endod 2010 Sep;36(9):1494-8.

Law AS, Utoft Durand, E, Rindal DB, Nixdorf DR., for the DPBRN Collaborative Group.  Doctor, Why Does My Tooth Still Hurt? Northwest Dent 2010;89(1):33-36.

Nixdorf DR, Moana Filho EJ, McGuire LA, Hodges JS, Law AS, John MT.  Frequency of persistent tooth pain following root canal therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis.  J Endod  2010;36:224-230.

Levin LG, Law AS, Holland GR, Abbott PV, Roda RS. Identify and define all diagnostic terms for pulpal health and disease states. J Endod 2009 Dec;35(12):1645-57.

Mattscheck DJ, Law AS, The Nonodontogenic Toothache, in Pathways of the Pulp, Cohen S, Hargreaves KM eds, St. Louis, 2006, Elsevier, p 59-89.

Doyle SL, Hodges JS, Pesun IJ, Law AS, Bowles WR.  Retrospective cross sectional comparison of initial nonsurgical root canal treatment and single-tooth implants. Compendium, 2007, June 28(6):296-301.

Doyle SL, Hodges JS, Pesun IJ, Law AS, Bowles WR.  Retrospective cross sectional comparison of initial nonsurgical root canal treatment and single-tooth implants. J Endod 2006 Sept;32(9):822-827.

Locher-Claus MT, Erickson TE, Law AS, Johnson WT, Gebhart GF.  Effects of pre-emptive morphine, ibuprofen or local anesthetic on fos expression in the spinal trigeminal nucleus following tooth pulp exposure in the rat.
J Endod 2005 Aug;31(8):578-83.

Law AS, Withrow JC, Endodontic case difficulty assessment and referral, Endodontic Colleagues for Excellence, Spring/Summer 2005.

Law AS,  Beaumont, RH. Resolution of furcation bone boss associated with vital pulp tissue after nonsurgical root canal treatment of three-rooted mandibular molars: A case report of identical twins. J Endod 2004 June;30(6):444-7.

Hartwig AC, Mathias SI, Law AS, Gebhart GF. Characterization and opioid modulation of inflammatory temporomandibular joint pain in the rat. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2003 Nov;61(11):1302-9.

Mattscheck DJ, Law AS, Noblett WC. Retreatment versus initial root canal treatment: Factors affecting posttreatment pain. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2001 Sep;92(3):321-4.

Steen Law SL, Southard, K, Law AS, Logan HL, Jakobsen, JR. An evaluation of preoperative ibuprofen for treatment of pain associated with orthodontic separator placement. Am J Orthod Dent Orthop 2000, 118(6):629-35.

Law AS, Baumgardner KR, Meller ST, Gebhart GF. Localization and changes in NADPH-diaphorase reactivity and nitric oxide synthase immunoreactivity in rat pulp following tooth preparation. J Dent Res. 1999 Oct;78(10):1585-95.

Baumgardner KR, Law AS, Gebhart GF. Localization and changes in superoxide dismutase immunoreactivity in rat pulp after tooth preparation. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 1999 Oct;88(4):488-95.

Lilly JP, Law AS. Atypical odontalgia misdiagnosed as odontogenic pain: a case report and discussion of treatment. J Endod. 1997 May;23(5):337-9.

Law AS, Lilly JP. Trigeminal neuralgia mimicking odontogenic pain. A report of two cases. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 1995 Jul;80(1):96-100.

Law A, Logan H, Baron R.   Desire for control, felt control, and stress inoculation training during dental treatment. J Per Soc Psych 67(5):926-936, 1994.

Logan H, Baron R, Keeley K, Law A, Stein S.  Desired control and felt control as mediators of stress in a dental setting.  Health Psych 10(5):352-359, 1991.

Verified Patient Reviews

4.9 out of 5 (283 Reviews) (206 Comments)

Overall patient ratings are based on the average score given by The Dental Specialists patients who voluntarily complete a satisfaction survey from Press Ganey, a nationally recognized firm dedicated to improving patient experience. Click to learn more about our patient ratings.

4.4 out of 5
January 28, 2025
I am sooo thankful for Dr. Law and his dental assistant. This was my first root canal and it was pretty rough. They said that 1 in every 1000 were as hard as mine was because my tooth was so angry. It was hard to stay numb and I was emotional about it. They were both very comforting and sympathetic. I appreciate how Dr. Law was friendly and didn't get annoyed that it took longer, needing to get numb a lot, my crying etc. Thank you for your patience. And the assistant held my hand and encouraged me often. What blessing with such an uncomfortable procedure. I am so thankful for how they explained things ahead of time. I learned a lot and was confident to move forward with treatment. This was my 4th dentist I saw In regards to the root canal because I wanted 2nd opinions. The headphones they let me borrow to listen to music on my phone was amazing. And the nitrous oxide was a blessing to help my nerves and anxiety. I'd totally recommend people to go to him for treatment. Thank you so much.
5 out of 5
January 24, 2025
Dr. Law and his team were very friendly!
5 out of 5
January 18, 2025
2nd time seeing Dr. Law sadly my dentist issues. But every time I have come to seek treatment he is nonetheless kind gentle and professional when working with you and inside your mouth cavity! I appreciate him and bedside manner!
5 out of 5
January 15, 2025
Dr. Law and his assistant were the utmost professionals! Their teamwork and ability to put me at ease was greatly appreciated. Dr. Law thoroughly explained my treatment options and Dawn did an excellent job explaining the treatment and post op instructions. They are a well oiled machine and anyone would be fortunate to be cared for by them. My root canal was painless and I did not even need pain medication after the treatment.
5 out of 5
January 15, 2025
Dr. Law was very informative and was not pushy with a decision and explained in detail the procedure
5 out of 5
January 14, 2025
I highly recommend The Dental Specialists. They all were very professional, kind and caring.
5 out of 5
January 14, 2025
Dr Law and his assistant, his assistant both were very kind, very friendly, good communication and genuinely caring. We had pleasant conversation. I felt at ease right away and treated with care and respect.
5 out of 5
January 2, 2025
Dr. Law and his assistant were wonderful! I appreciate the care they provided. My recovery is going well and I'm very pleased so far with the surgery and 2 1/2 days post-op.
5 out of 5
January 2, 2025
Both the DA and Dr. Law were excellent
5 out of 5
December 21, 2024
I just want to say my family thought all the staff were exceptionally nice and professional.
5 out of 5
December 12, 2024
Very professional as they explained the costs. It was fhe first time an office has verbally given me the cost of the visit and what the next step was in terms of insurance. I appreciate Dr. Law remembering my last visit and asking how I did at the senior softball tournament in Vegas and Phoenix and about the Twins fantasy camp. Definitely makes one relaxed
5 out of 5
December 5, 2024
Dr. Law was amazing! I appreciate the thoroughness of his team!
5 out of 5
November 29, 2024
Scale of satisfaction should go higher
5 out of 5
November 18, 2024
Dr Law was interested in what I had to say, any questions I had and very thorough. He and his assistant made sure I was comfortable and knew what each step in the process was for and what to expect. Very well done.
5 out of 5
October 18, 2024
Very nice dentist, I felt very comfortable in his hands.
5 out of 5
October 1, 2024
Dr Law is amazing! He had a friendly and personable demeanor. He was present and informative. He presented calm and it made me feel at ease, comfort and trusted.
5 out of 5
September 23, 2024
5 out of 5
September 23, 2024
The best professional dental consultation/treatment.
5 out of 5
August 14, 2024
Dr Law and team are great
5 out of 5
August 7, 2024
Dr Law has a tremendous demeanor. He explains everything before, during, and after the procedure. I'm always relaxed knowing that Dr. Law knows what he is doing.
5 out of 5
July 25, 2024
Very friendly. They made me very comfortable
5 out of 5
July 23, 2024
Dr Law was very personable and very knowledgeable and efficient. Great communication. I wish every dentist be like that
5 out of 5
May 24, 2024
Dr Law was very informative. The procedure was painless and I was very pleased with my service.
5 out of 5
May 24, 2024
I would highly recommend the service of Dr Law and his admin and assistant.
5 out of 5
April 18, 2024
Based on my experience, Dr. Law completed a detailed assessment and devised a comprehensive plan of action. He actively listened to my concerns and provided thoughtful feelback.
5 out of 5
March 31, 2024
I was very concerned with Root Canal because tooth in question anchors a 5 tooth bridge. Dr Law explained all scenarios & possible outcomes leaving decision to proceed. Had him perform procedure.
5 out of 5
March 26, 2024
I see why Dr. Alan Law and team are so highly rated. Dr. Alan Law and his dental assistant work great as a team. They were very polite with me and with each other. Very proficient, considerate, and caring! They enjoy what they do and this is important when treating and caring for patients. The same applies to the office assistant. They are all excellent in their practice. Thank you for the wonderful care. (I wish you much continued success and enjoyment for years and years to come.) Thank you.
5 out of 5
March 8, 2024
Dr Law is a true professional that knows his work. Thank you so much for your dental service.
5 out of 5
February 28, 2024
Dentist is a pro
5 out of 5
February 28, 2024
Impressed by Dr. Law's knowledge of actors and films. He has Impeccable taste.
5 out of 5
February 21, 2024
Dr Law is one of the best based on my first visit. I will be back if necessary.
5 out of 5
February 21, 2024
Well run practice
5 out of 5
February 18, 2024
Dr. Law and his team are amazing! They are so kind and explain things for you to understand about your treatment options.
5 out of 5
February 8, 2024
Dr. Law and his assistant were amazing! I thoroughly enjoyed my time with them and feel they gave me a thorough explanation of my situation. They score 100/100 on my rating system.
5 out of 5
January 31, 2024
Dr. Law was kind, informative, and answered all my questions. He seemed to care about myself and my condition.
5 out of 5
January 29, 2024
This is a well run Dental office. Friendly team of professionals!
5 out of 5
January 24, 2024
Both Dr. Law and his assistant were excellent. We had a great conversation (not tooth related) that put me at ease. He explained things as needed, and took the time to listen to any questions I had. Very friendly and competent. I would absolutely recommend Dr. Law and this practice to others.
5 out of 5
January 15, 2024
Excellent work.
5 out of 5
January 10, 2024
I appreciated that the dentist and assistant kept me informed with each step of the procedure.
5 out of 5
January 9, 2024
I had a little anxiety going in, both Dentist and assistant were wonderful. Very smooth procedure.
4.4 out of 5
December 18, 2023
Dr. Law only
5 out of 5
December 16, 2023
Dr. Law and his dental assistant were wonderful.Explanation of procedure and post surgery procedures were clear. Procedure went smoothly and timely. I was impressed.
5 out of 5
December 11, 2023
The combination of intellect, experience, being up to date on research and incredible interpersonal skills especially listening were the best I have ever seen in the medical field.
5 out of 5
December 5, 2023
Overall I had a pleasant experience!!!
5 out of 5
December 5, 2023
Very Good!!!
5 out of 5
December 5, 2023
Very positive experience
5 out of 5
November 30, 2023
All staff were very informative and helpful.
5 out of 5
November 19, 2023
Procedure was done very quickly. No follow-up required.
5 out of 5
November 2, 2023
Dr Law and his assistant were both awesome!! We had a lot of fun joking at my expense. I love a good sense of humor as it eased my fear of a root canal.
5 out of 5
November 2, 2023
The entire experience was ten times better than what I thought it would be for a root canal
5 out of 5
October 9, 2023
Had post-treatment difficulties and my call was immediately taken care of by other staff and referred to an associate since Dr. Law was out of the office. He (Dr. Law) then called me on Sunday to check how I was doing. Appreciate the prompt follow up on my care by the doctor and all staff.
5 out of 5
October 9, 2023
Everyone I encountered, phone and in-person, were all professional and pleasant.
5 out of 5
September 25, 2023
I'm committed as a patient for life! Dr Law and team were amazing. Each of my "very good" checks on this survey are given with emphasis.
5 out of 5
September 19, 2023
Dr Law was very professional. Yet he was also kind and funny. He was very attentive to my needs especially dealing with and pain. I really appreciated this!!
5 out of 5
September 19, 2023
I would highly recommend Dr Law and this entire clinic! So grateful I could get in at the last minute with a European trip coming up in days
5 out of 5
August 24, 2023
Outstanding!!!! Dr Law is personable while still being very professional during his treatment and the procedure. He was concerned about my (dis)comfort and explained things very thoroughly. I most appreciated how well his assistant, and he interacted. 'Please' and 'Thank you' and mutual respect was so pleasant!
4.6 out of 5
August 8, 2023
The dental assistant and Dr Law explained the process to me without any major medical terms. It was easy to understand the treatment plan.
5 out of 5
August 8, 2023
Dr. Law left a voice message for me on both my cell phone and home phone to give me updated instructions about pain medications. I was driving away from the dental office after my treatment when he called my cell phone #. I didn't answer the call because I didn't recognize the number. However, I was impressed that he revised his medication instructions based on his review of my current medications.
5 out of 5
August 8, 2023
All staff, including dentist, assistant, and check-in person were professional, pleasant and helpful.
5 out of 5
August 3, 2023
Kind and compassionate care from both Dental Assistant and dentist. Answered all questions (I always have questions), explained all aspects of procedure clearly, made sure I was doing Ok during procedure. I had full confidence in their expertise and skill.
5 out of 5
July 29, 2023
Thanks for keeping me in the loop during the procedure.
5 out of 5
July 29, 2023
I witnessed professional staff and dentist communication.
5 out of 5
July 19, 2023
Pleasant experience
5 out of 5
June 21, 2023
He was great
5 out of 5
June 19, 2023
No wonder Dr. Law is president of the practice. Chairside manner is superb, answered all my questions, direct eye contact.
5 out of 5
June 19, 2023
Felt welcomed by reception staff. Dr. Law's hygienist very professional, but good sense of humor. My primary dentist recommended him and I am very pleased with the referral and plan ahead for treatment.
4.8 out of 5
June 6, 2023
Dr. Law was very reassuring about the assessing tooth problem and how he proposed to provide relief.
5 out of 5
May 29, 2023
5 out of 5
May 29, 2023
5 out of 5
May 11, 2023
I have ZERO complaints about this practice... EVERYONE was respectful, & professional
5 out of 5
May 10, 2023
Dr. Law was very personable!
5 out of 5
May 2, 2023
Dr. Law explained what he was doing while going thru the root canal.
5 out of 5
April 27, 2023
Very helpful
5 out of 5
April 20, 2023
He was attentive and focused during my treatment.
5 out of 5
March 21, 2023
I already recommended Dr Law to a coworker
2.4 out of 5
March 17, 2023
3 options for treatment were outlined. No explanation of risk of no treatment save "may cause sinus infection.on reflection I have no idea if I lose the tooth if nothing done. No explanation if low immunity from cancer gives addition or same risk- extent of any risk. In dark why root canal ineffective. Spent a lot on that. Unsure if treatment any better or not.
5 out of 5
March 6, 2023
5 out of 5
March 2, 2023
Dr Law was amazing--I have no complains about him or the team. Everything went very well and they were very friendly and caring
5 out of 5
March 2, 2023
I have recommended Dr Law to many friends already and I have had NO pain or discomfort at any time
5 out of 5
February 20, 2023
I would definitely come back here again and would recommend to others.
5 out of 5
February 20, 2023
The dentist understood my health historyand the medictions I take and ones I cannot
5 out of 5
February 16, 2023
Honestly have already recommended this place, and it is not even my normal dentist. Everyone was so great - the dental assistant and Dr. Laws were beyond wonderful. I was pretty nervous about the root canal but they made it easy and were just so kind. 20 gold stars for them!
5 out of 5
February 16, 2023
Being able to listen to my own music was also so amazing.
5 out of 5
February 10, 2023
Dr.Law & his dental assistant made me feel at ease and comfortable for my root canal. I knew I was in good hands and had complete trust in them. They turned this scary experience for me into a pleasant one! 10 Stars for them! I'll come back if I ever need another one.
5 out of 5
February 2, 2023
Dr. Law was respectful, took his time to explain what was indicated for me and he was very personable. I appreciated his kindness very much.
5 out of 5
January 17, 2023
I was very appreciative of having a dental student observing my root canal procedure. Dr Law was so good about explaining every step along the way, and details about each of the steps. I'm sure it was for the benefit of the student observing, but I learned a lot too. I felt very lucky! Dr. Law is fantastic!
5 out of 5
January 15, 2023
Dr Law is an exceptional dentist!
5 out of 5
January 2, 2023
Dr Law was very thorough. Explained everything and answered all questions
5 out of 5
January 2, 2023
For having a root canal procedure, I was amazed at how easy it went, nothing like the one I had 20 years ago.
5 out of 5
January 2, 2023
The staff and Dr. Law were absolutely terrific, I was so amazed at how easy this went.
5 out of 5
December 29, 2022
Dr. Law and his dental assistant are so caring & professional in their services.... Thank you!!
5 out of 5
December 29, 2022
I really appreciated Dr. Law and his team. There are all professional and caring. I would highly recommend this team to my family and friends.
5 out of 5
December 25, 2022
One of the best dentists and hygienists I have ever been too! They are a fantastic team!
5 out of 5
December 20, 2022
It was evident that Dr. Davis and his dental assistant were both very competent and caring. Thanks!
5 out of 5
December 14, 2022
I really liked the way they care about you!
5 out of 5
December 13, 2022
I have recommended Dr Law to a few friends and will continue
5 out of 5
December 7, 2022
Assistant mentioned creating a day by day list of post op instructions. That would be very helpful. I used different colored highlighter with the current info to know what of current instructions were relevant on day 1 and other days.
5 out of 5
December 7, 2022
I have already told everyone who will listen about my great experience. I will continue to refer.
5 out of 5
December 5, 2022
This was by far the most professional and inclusive dental visit I have experienced. Dr. Law listened to every word, asked pertinent questions about health and dental history, studied the options WITH me for treatment, and left the decision to me. He was affirming and supportive throughout our discussion.
5 out of 5
December 3, 2022
This is the only place to go for root canals. By far my best experience and I've had 4 other root canals at previous dentist
5 out of 5
December 2, 2022
Thoroughly pleased with my first visit to this clinic. Staff professional and friendly, helpful.
5 out of 5
November 21, 2022
I had a very positive experience Dr Law makes you feel very comfortable. Also the assistant was very good about explaining everything.
5 out of 5
November 16, 2022
A good appointment experience! Thx!
5 out of 5
November 15, 2022
A+ care from beginning to end. I especially appreciated all the explanations and teaching.
5 out of 5
October 31, 2022
Everything was explained in detail so that I was well informed and put at ease.
5 out of 5
October 12, 2022
Beautiful, bright, clean practice. Everyone was very professional and friendly. Thank you for the great care!
5 out of 5
October 4, 2022
5 out of 5
September 27, 2022
Dr. Law was very professional, expertly completing the procedure. He was courteous and personable.
5 out of 5
September 21, 2022
Positive experience
5 out of 5
September 21, 2022
Fine experience
5 out of 5
September 7, 2022
The nicest medical professionals I've ever had the pleasure of using. Many, many thanks.
5 out of 5
August 17, 2022
The Dentist made me very comfortable and explained everything. I really appreciated it.
5 out of 5
August 9, 2022
Exceptional in every way. Thank you.
5 out of 5
July 28, 2022
Dr Law and his assistant were AMAZING!! I have never been to a dental office where everyone was so kind and caring and even explained everything from start to finish for you.
5 out of 5
July 26, 2022
Everyone at TDS in Woodbury were very nice. Every time Dr. Law asked Dawn for a dental instrument ,he said please. Very impressed.
5 out of 5
July 18, 2022
Dr Law took the time to time to explain all aspects of my treatment and the underlying cause of my injury. He explained the scans and spoke to me through out the treatment process.
5 out of 5
July 13, 2022
5~ very good
4.8 out of 5
June 28, 2022
Dr. Law is very good with explanations of treatment options
5 out of 5
June 27, 2022
I have really bad dental anxiety and the dentist and assistant were the most patient that I have ever had. I really appreciated them listening and understanding when I needed a moment to calm myself.
5 out of 5
June 22, 2022
Very informed and felt like he listened to my questions and concerns and helped me finalize my treatment choices.
5 out of 5
June 22, 2022
Support at check in and check out was amazing!!!!
5 out of 5
June 22, 2022
Excellent Dentist and assistant!!
5 out of 5
June 22, 2022
I will come back to him in the future if necessary. He was very, very good and caring.
5 out of 5
June 14, 2022
Assistant was very friendly and informative. Dr Law was attentive, personable and informative
5 out of 5
June 14, 2022
Tried to make me feel at ease
5 out of 5
June 3, 2022
I would highly recommend Dr. Law. He was easy to talk to and made me feel very comfortable.
5 out of 5
June 2, 2022
One of my best experiences with any health care I have experienced. Great conversation and excellent listening and understanding of my concerns and needs
5 out of 5
June 2, 2022
Could not ask for a better experience
5 out of 5
May 27, 2022
Very good
5 out of 5
May 16, 2022
Dr Law was great; listened to my concerns and responded. He was calm, at ease, funny. I liked hearing his stories while he worked in my root canal. It was a good distraction!
5 out of 5
May 12, 2022
Dr. Law is very thorough, professional and friendly. The best dentist I have known!!
5 out of 5
May 4, 2022
Very professional, informative, friendly, and listened to me.
5 out of 5
May 4, 2022
Terrific after-visit attention to the patient. Dr. Law returned my call to the office re a pain concern within 20 minutes. Phenomenal!
5 out of 5
April 19, 2022
Dentist described the procedure very clear and understandable.
5 out of 5
April 18, 2022
Dr. Law and his dental assistant were wonderful and caring during my treatment and I would highly recommend Dr. Law for his expertise in endodontics.
5 out of 5
April 11, 2022
Dr. Law and his technical assistant, I am sorry I forgot her name, were so kind and patient with me. I am not always a good patient I am nervous and they kept me informed and asked about my comfort level. I wasn't treated like a body in the chair, I was treated like a person who was important to them. I am so thankful for their care and attention.
5 out of 5
April 11, 2022
I can't say it was a great time, no experience at the dentist is, however, I believe the staff did all they could to help me feel more relaxed by explaining what they were doing and checking on me. When I was unable to have the rubber opener in my mouth, they worked around it. Dentistry has changed since my last procedure and I am glad they were able to take care of everything in one visit. No bouncing around and having crowns made. I believe this helped to keep the costs down too.
5 out of 5
March 23, 2022
My experience was excellent, both the dental assistant and the dentist explained everything they needed to do and answered all my questions.
5 out of 5
March 21, 2022
The dentist was so very friendly
5 out of 5
March 21, 2022
While I received very good explanations about the treatment plan. I wish I'd asked or been offered an explanation why antibiotics would not help. Just curious.
5 out of 5
March 15, 2022
The dental assistant, Dr. Law and the oral surgeon (Dr. Davis?) were all excellent. Their explanations were thorough and I didn't feel rushed
5 out of 5
March 14, 2022
Dr. Law made me feel comfortable and did a great job distracting me from any anxiety I had during my visit. He and his assistant explained each process before starting my treatment and what to expect afterward. Excellent job.
5 out of 5
March 9, 2022
The dentist & his assistant worked very well together
5 out of 5
February 2, 2022
Procedure was completed in less than an hour -- amazing!!
5 out of 5
February 2, 2022
Most efficient dentist I have ever had. Did an excellent job on my tooth, made me feel relaxed, explained the entire procedure, and made me laugh! A most enjoyable appointment if that can ever happen at a dentist's office!!
5 out of 5
February 2, 2022
Dr. Law was phenomenal.
5 out of 5
January 22, 2022
Was taken in, filled out a form and went right in for my appointment.
5 out of 5
January 22, 2022
He was very good and immediately suggested what was best.
5 out of 5
January 20, 2022
I was contacted to let me know I could show up early for the appointment and once I was there I was in and out very quickly.
5 out of 5
January 20, 2022
The dentist took a look at my tooth and then outlined the choices I could make at that time. No pressure to go one way or the other. He answered all my questions so I could make an informed decision.
5 out of 5
January 8, 2022
Dr. Law was phenomenal and I felt very confident in the treatment and at ease knowing I was in the best hands. From my first interaction with the dental assistant throughout my checkout with the dentist, the team was professional, efficient, friendly/personable and even made a root canal somewhat enjoyable (as enjoyable as one can be I suppose).
5 out of 5
January 7, 2022
All of my experiences with Dr. Law have been very good, and I would not hesitate to recommend him to others!
5 out of 5
January 3, 2022
I Had an emergency, and the staff was able to fit me the same day I called .
5 out of 5
December 30, 2021
5 out of 5
December 15, 2021
Thank you SO MUCH for squeezing me in on such short notice ... I really appreciate it!
5 out of 5
December 7, 2021
Wish I would have seen specialists long ago. Great experience!
5 out of 5
December 7, 2021
Very efficient and smooth. Salk staff very knowledgeable
5 out of 5
December 7, 2021
Wonderful experience with everyone who I came in contact with from receptionist to dental assistant and Dr. Law. Great experience!
5 out of 5
December 6, 2021
All around Excellent service, very impressed!
5 out of 5
December 2, 2021
Dental assistant outstanding in knowledge and ability to convey treatment in a manner which I could understand. Dr Law treated me as an old friend. Very understanding.
5 out of 5
December 2, 2021
They were very thorough, attentive and accommodating. Thanks so much
5 out of 5
December 2, 2021
Dr. Law and his assistant were amazing.
5 out of 5
December 1, 2021
Very good at explaining options, possible side effects, things that could go wring, allowing time for questions.
5 out of 5
November 18, 2021
Dr. Law and his assistant were fantastic. My whole experience there with them was one of the best I've had with a dental visit.
5 out of 5
November 11, 2021
I cant say enough good things on this team. Had to have a prescription ordered. They jumped over so many hoops for help on what to give me for pain. Still helping.
5 out of 5
November 11, 2021
So detailed in everything
5 out of 5
November 2, 2021
Would recommend Dr. Law 100%. I've had two root canals & have never had a problem. , his assistant, Is great too.
5 out of 5
October 30, 2021
Dr. Law immediately impressed me when he first reviewed my medical history with me, asking pertinent questions. Few doctors and dentists have done this with me as a new patient. He clearly described treatment options before I decided which one would be best for me. Dr. Law's "people " skills are excellent. His professionalism and expertise are outstanding.
5 out of 5
October 30, 2021
My root canal treatment was somewhat more complicated than routine and so required more time to complete. Despite this, Dr. Law remained keenly focused and calm during the entire process. I was very impressed with his treatment skills.
5 out of 5
October 30, 2021
He was very good. I didn't feel any after pains I was told I would likely feel and take medications for. I didn't take any. Was good.
5 out of 5
October 20, 2021
Not only was he a calming presence - he also shared information I was tentative ask but answered before I asked.
5 out of 5
October 18, 2021
The entire staff was very accommodating and helpful.
5 out of 5
October 11, 2021
Excellent Dentists and Staff!!
5 out of 5
October 11, 2021
I felt comfortable and they all listened well to my tooth issue and concerns! I appreciated that very much. The front desk was excellent too!! Very kind and patient.
5 out of 5
October 6, 2021
I appreciated the happy tone of the dentist and his assistants. Being able to use headphones helped a lot, too. I do wish that I'd been informed about how many shots I was going to get.
5 out of 5
October 6, 2021
I was to have a root canal and that is not a pleasurable experience. Last time I had one done (10 years ago) it was a very bad experience and prevented me from seeking further care for a long time. I was very nervous going into this and the dentist and hygienist put me at ease the entire time and it was over before I knew it. I would recommend your practice to anyone, every day of the week
5 out of 5
September 29, 2021
4.8 out of 5
September 27, 2021
Dr. Law gave me the choice of using a white or silver filling material. I wish, however, he had told me more of the pros/cons of the longevity of each material. Fortunately I chose silver, which later the assistant provided more information about the longevity of each material, which reinforced my decision.
5 out of 5
September 21, 2021
I have had many of the same procedures and never did I feel as comfortable as I did with The Dental Specialists. I would recommend anyone that is looking for a dentist to go here first.
5 out of 5
September 21, 2021
I would highly recommend them and wouldn't hesitate to go back in the future. Very professional as well.
5 out of 5
September 6, 2021
Explained procedure very well. Was pain free.
5 out of 5
September 6, 2021
Was very fearful. Through explanations and painfree treatment all went well. I would return.
5 out of 5
August 3, 2021
Great dentist and asst. Very warm and professional.
5 out of 5
August 3, 2021
Very professional and personal phone calls after the surgery to check on me was unexpected and very appreciated. The fact that the Dentist called himself Exceeded my expectations.
5 out of 5
August 3, 2021
I have seen Dr. Law before and have complete faith in his work and would definitely recommend him to others.
5 out of 5
August 3, 2021
From the moment I checked in until I left everything went well.
5 out of 5
August 2, 2021
Dr.Law listened, asked questions, and seemed genuinely empathetic.
5 out of 5
July 28, 2021
It was great to only make one trip into the office and take care of it the same day!
5 out of 5
July 26, 2021
Both the assistant and DDS were excellent. I wouldn't hesitate going to them again.
5 out of 5
July 21, 2021
Well informed
5 out of 5
July 20, 2021
I was so VERY impressed with Dr. Alan Law at your Woodbury location !! He was so caring, gentle, very attentive to me and answered every question I asked. Offered excellent advice as well. His assistant was amazing too! And, so was the scheduling gal! I was so glad I got referred to this office by my primary dentist !
5 out of 5
July 20, 2021
LOVED my experience here !!!
5 out of 5
June 28, 2021
I am not a great patient and felt the treatment went well. everyone was very helpful
5 out of 5
June 10, 2021
Dental assistant, Dr. Law, and his scheduling manager were wonderful. They're all very relaxed, positive, and professional. I like the music played in the office.
5 out of 5
June 7, 2021
Meeting and receiving dental care from Dr. Law was an excellent experience. The passion for his profession is apparent by care he has for his client and knowledge/skills he's learned during his career.
5 out of 5
June 3, 2021
Could not have been more pleased. I am so glad we chose Dr. Law for the treatment for our 11 year old. Dr. Law is very personable, compassionate and extremely experienced. He is fantastic with children and parents! 5 stars! I would highly recommend! Thank you Dr. Law !!!
5 out of 5
April 29, 2021
Doctor was excellent. Personable, caring, explained things well.
4 out of 5
April 29, 2021
Dr. Law explained what he was going to do for my treatment and kept me informed on what was going on.
5 out of 5
April 20, 2021
I have much confidence in Dr Law. I know he will do all he can to ensure the best outcome for the health of my teeth.
5 out of 5
April 12, 2021
I've had previous treatment on this tooth with a different doctor and it was not even comparable to this experience. all my questions and concerns were addressed and dealt with in a kind professional manner. 10/10 will recommend!
5 out of 5
February 24, 2021
Great experience! The Dr Law and his assistant were very thorough and understanding. Minimal pain during the procedure. Majority of my jaw/ear/tooth pain has resolved since the root canal No OTC pains have been needed 24 hrs post. Wished I would have got the root canal sooner.
5 out of 5
February 15, 2021
I had been quite nervous about getting my first root canal, mostly due to the horror stories one hears. Dr. Law came HIGHLY recommended by a friend/colleague of his. I was pleased with my choice, as Dr. Law was warm and friendly, and immediately put me at ease. His technician/assistant (I apologize that I can't recall her name) was also excellent. They both answered my many questions with thorough explanations, and provided lots of important info in advance of the procedure. I certainly felt that I was in very capable hands!
5 out of 5
February 13, 2021
My first time going there as well as first time getting roost canal. I was very nervous going in but Dr. Law and his staff were very welcoming and took their time to listen to my concerns and were able to ease my fears.
5 out of 5
February 11, 2021
Dr. Law had a very professional and friendly manner. I felt very confident in the treatment.
5 out of 5
February 8, 2021
I felt comfortable.
5 out of 5
February 8, 2021
Very satisfied with the personal and treatment
5 out of 5
January 27, 2021
Very professional and down to earth, creating a relaxing atmosphere. Explained everything. Appreciated know how much time was left.
5 out of 5
January 18, 2021
Everyone i encountered during my visit were not only very professional but caring and kind.
5 out of 5
January 9, 2021
Dr. Law and his assistant answered all of my questions/concerns and provided detailed explanations of what I could expect post-care. The receptionist was fantastic helping every way she could to get me in earlier and to ensure I had a plan of action if anything should arise post-treatment.
5 out of 5
January 9, 2021
Dr. Law explained the procedure clearly and genuinely cared
5 out of 5
December 26, 2020
Dr. Law is wonderful. I do not like getting root canals, but if I need one he is the person I would want to do the procedure.
5 out of 5
December 21, 2020
excellent service
5 out of 5
December 21, 2020
I left the appointment with a clear understanding of the treatment options, and much less anxiety over the whole situation.
5 out of 5
December 14, 2020
I was very nervous going into this appointment. Dr. Law too my concern into consideration when both explaining what he was going to do and helping me to calm down.
5 out of 5
December 9, 2020
Doctor treated me with respect and understanding. He took the extra time needed because of my hearing impairment. He explained all options and recommended which one he thought was best. The procedure was painless and done well. I was very pleased with his services.
5 out of 5
December 7, 2020
the dentist and the assistant were both fantastic at explaining the process and what to expect
5 out of 5
December 7, 2020
very nice team
5 out of 5
November 29, 2020
Dr. Alan Law, Endodontist, is awesome!
5 out of 5
November 16, 2020
Excellent experience - great Dr.
5 out of 5
November 10, 2020
I was very impressed with Dr Law's concern of making sure I didn't feel pain during my root canal procedure. I felt very well cared for during my appointment.
5 out of 5
November 4, 2020
Dr. Law showed great concern for my health and comfort throughout the whole procedure.
4.5 out of 5
November 2, 2020
Both dentist and his assistant explained the equipment and the procedure.
5 out of 5
October 27, 2020
professional care throughout
5 out of 5
October 26, 2020
treatment was the best I could expect
5 out of 5
September 28, 2020
great place to have dental work finished
5 out of 5
September 14, 2020
Dr. Law and his assistant were great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4 out of 5
September 7, 2020
I had expressed a request to be informed about the steps that would be taken, but was not told about the gum depth test. The instrument is very sharp and I would have preferred to know the doctor was about to use it.
5 out of 5
August 19, 2020
I understood everything what the Doctor was explaining to me. He was so thorough.
5 out of 5
August 19, 2020
thorough explanations
5 out of 5
August 14, 2020
very complete in explaining what was need to be done
5 out of 5
March 11, 2020
I felt extremely confident that I was cared about.
4.3 out of 5
February 17, 2020
I appreciated receiving specific contact information for a next step. I was pleased to be able to schedule an appointment within that physician on the next time they would be available (in one week).
5 out of 5
February 13, 2020
I liked that Dr. Law explained what he was going to do; and during the treatment he explained the steps as he did them.
5 out of 5
February 3, 2020
5 out of 5
February 3, 2020
Dr Law and assistant were great. They put me at ease and answered all my questions respectfully
5 out of 5
January 27, 2020
Dr. Law is very thorough, professional and friendly. I was very confident in his explanation and work.
5 out of 5
January 22, 2020
This was an excellent service.
5 out of 5
January 21, 2020
5 out of 5
January 15, 2020
I was incredibly impressed with the thoroughness of the information shared with me. it was delivered in a very caring way!
4.7 out of 5
December 30, 2019
Dr. Law is very involved with his patients. I appreciated the time he took with me.
5 out of 5
November 20, 2019
I only go to Dr. Law when I have severe dental issues. He is the best.
5 out of 5
November 20, 2019
physicians was great I appreciate the help!
5 out of 5
October 4, 2019
The visit was great
5 out of 5
September 2, 2019
I was very anxious, both nurse and Dr, reassured me, asking me throughout procedure if I was doing ok? it was greatly appreciated and calming
5 out of 5
August 19, 2019
loved how everything was explained to me
5 out of 5
July 29, 2019
I like Dr. Law, he was funny and usually I am nervous when having a procedure done and I was not at all which was great. He makes you fee comfortable as if you were a friend.
5 out of 5
July 17, 2019
dr law was fabulous. he was very tuned an and noticed I may have hurt a bit and fixed it right away. he had great patient interaction. I like how he treated his dental assistant
5 out of 5
June 6, 2019
Dr. Law was the utmost professional, bright, and competent, yet he was able to explain to clearly explain my options and my root canal procedure in a manner I could understand. He carefully addressed my health history and was calm, super friendly and efficient. I was actually dreading the root canal, but the procedure went quickly, the novocaine was administered swiftly and there was very little discomfort.
5 out of 5
June 3, 2019
There is absolutely nothing negative to say about the whole visit. Where customer service/care is lacking a lot in today's society - that is surely not the case here in Dr. Law's office. Customer service went well above and beyond what I could have imagined.
5 out of 5
May 14, 2019
No criticisms here at all. My questions were thoroughly answered by both doctor and his assistant. Options for treatment were laid out clearly.
5 out of 5
May 13, 2019
Dr Law and professional assistant were very helpful, patient, and caring. Very very satisfied.
5 out of 5
March 4, 2019
will be recommending this place! they were so nice and caring and explained everything in detail. thank you so much
5 out of 5
February 19, 2019
Dr. Law and his assistant were very personable, and if I ever need further endodontic treatment, I will always request Dr. Law. What a friendly, upbeat group of people! I tend to have a bit of dental anxiety due to it being a bit difficult to get numb, but he made me feel very at ease!
5 out of 5
February 18, 2019
Excellent job!